Article from Santa Fe travelers about Penasco


Better pass on the clams...

Periodico De Frente
3 hrs ·
Regulación Sanitaria de Puerto Peñasco emite veda sanitaria al molusco

Hoy miércoles 12 de Febrero, la oficina de Regulación Sanitaria de Puerto Peñasco declaro veda sanitaria al molusco desde el Golfo de Santa Clara hasta el estero Morua; almejas, ostiones, almeja generosa, mejillones, caracol de mar, callo de hacha, callo de margarita, pata de cabra, pata de mula, tichidas y demás moluscos, esto debido a que se encontró una toxina paralizante que pone en peligro la salud de quien los consuma, por lo que se exhorta a la población evitar consumirlos en tanto se levanta la veda. No existe riesgo el consumo de pescados, camarón, jaiba y langosta.

Regulations on health Of Port peñasco emits closure health at molusco

Today is Wednesday 12 February, the office of the regulation of water provision of Port peñasco le closure health at molusco since the Gulf of Santa Clara until the Estero morua ; almejas, oysters, clam generous, Mussels, snail de sea, shut the axe, and shut Of a margarita, leg of a goat, leg of the Mule, tichidas and other shellfish, this is because they found a toxin paralizante that puts at risk to the health of those who consuming, and therefore to be urges the population as to avoid we eat it in both gets up to the closure. There is no risk of the consumption of fish, shrimp, jaiba and Lobster.
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Periodico De Frente


Jungle Jim, you said: "There was no red tide last weekend, just business as usual, a nice big tide for gathering a free feast of marine bivalves that were perfectly safe to eat."

I know what I saw a few weeks ago. It hasn't been back in the few weeks we've been down, but it was there, and it sounds like the DeFrente article confirms it.


If you have never gotten sick on bad shellfish you are missing out.It is almost a religious experience....


I think Jungle Jim, JWT and HAPPY are all the same person...
You must of missed when I outed Jungle Jim as a rip off artist..Check his profile and you'll see he's the OWNER OF WILLYS JEEP PARTS in Yuma and if you Google Jungle Jim's Willy's and Jeep in Yuma you'll see he's a rip of artist. I found this right off and Hillbeartoe found a bunch more..

At the same time and right after he posted that porn site, I thought I'd lay some truth on his bullcrap for a reaction. Look at the last post I made on this thread. No reply of course.

Not a whisper since.:D
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You must of missed when I outed Jungle Jim as a rip off artist..Check his profile and you'll see he's the OWNER OF WILLYS JEEP PARTS in Yuma and if you Google Jungle Jim's Willy's and Jeep in Yuma you'll see he's a rip of artist. I found this right off and Hillbeartoe found a bunch more..

At the same time and right after he posted that porn site, I thought I'd lay some truth on his bullcrap for a reaction. Look at the last post I made on this thread. No reply of course.

Not a whisper since.:D
I think he sounds more halfassed than criminal....I sort of hated the general frigging public too when dealing with customers that wanted me to basically educate them and be their consultant then try to return special orders....he does sound overly cranky that is for sure...


I think he sounds more halfassed than criminal....I sort of hated the general frigging public too when dealing with customers that wanted me to basically educate them and be their consultant then try to return special orders....he does sound overly cranky that is for sure...
Well he could just be recovering from all the clam's he ate.:rolleyes: