Better pass on the clams...
Periodico De Frente
3 hrs ·
Regulación Sanitaria de Puerto Peñasco emite veda sanitaria al molusco
Hoy miércoles 12 de Febrero, la oficina de Regulación Sanitaria de Puerto Peñasco declaro veda sanitaria al molusco desde el Golfo de Santa Clara hasta el estero Morua; almejas, ostiones, almeja generosa, mejillones, caracol de mar, callo de hacha, callo de margarita, pata de cabra, pata de mula, tichidas y demás moluscos, esto debido a que se encontró una toxina paralizante que pone en peligro la salud de quien los consuma, por lo que se exhorta a la población evitar consumirlos en tanto se levanta la veda. No existe riesgo el consumo de pescados, camarón, jaiba y langosta.
Regulations on health Of Port peñasco emits closure health at molusco
Today is Wednesday 12 February, the office of the regulation of water provision of Port peñasco le closure health at molusco since the Gulf of Santa Clara until the Estero morua ; almejas, oysters, clam generous, Mussels, snail de sea, shut the axe, and shut Of a margarita, leg of a goat, leg of the Mule, tichidas and other shellfish, this is because they found a toxin paralizante that puts at risk to the health of those who consuming, and therefore to be urges the population as to avoid we eat it in both gets up to the closure. There is no risk of the consumption of fish, shrimp, jaiba and Lobster.
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