Any news about Spring Break?

Leaving rp on sat we passed 300+ vehicles heading south...over 200 from rp to sonoyta...steady flow. They also seened to be flowing thru the usa tent fairly quick.
Added info from my earlier post, I've been here for 10 days since the 8th.
The first weekend was kind of slow but last weekend and even Monday were very busy. (ASU and UA)
Went to the Malecon on Sunday to watch a sunset and it was packed mainly locals.
Went into a couple of restaurants and they were 1/2 full mainly with Americans.
JJ's even had great crowds during the day and mostly 20-30 people on the night's I went (3).
There seems to be a lot more construction activity going on in town and especially in Cholla bay.
More than a few old houses (affordable) being bought and redone.

And for the first time in awhile I got flashed by 3 girls :) standing in a pickup truck at the
Wreaked at the Reef turn off. My 22 year old son who wasn't with me was so p#*#ed he didn't go with me.

Going home today. ):
Got home yesterday, lots of activity. Stayed close to the PDO. Went to La Curva Sunday night, not as busy as I thought it would be but people were coming in as we were leaving. Went right thru the border. About 1:30 pm.