I've been an avid angler for over 60 years and I've learned a few tricks. I don't believe I've ever seen anything published about this method. I learned if for holding roe on a hook for salmon and steelhead fishing, but it can be used for almost any bait. It's really simple.
You pass the leader through the eye of the hook and snell it onto the hook with at least five wraps about 3/4 of the way down or to where the hook begins to turn. This gives you some slack line from the eye down to the snell or knot. You then push some leader through the hook eye to form a loop. Then you put bait through the loop and pull it tight holding the bait agaist the hook. This workis especially well for holding calamari onto the hook.
You pass the leader through the eye of the hook and snell it onto the hook with at least five wraps about 3/4 of the way down or to where the hook begins to turn. This gives you some slack line from the eye down to the snell or knot. You then push some leader through the hook eye to form a loop. Then you put bait through the loop and pull it tight holding the bait agaist the hook. This workis especially well for holding calamari onto the hook.