Another trick for holding bait on your hooki



I've been an avid angler for over 60 years and I've learned a few tricks. I don't believe I've ever seen anything published about this method. I learned if for holding roe on a hook for salmon and steelhead fishing, but it can be used for almost any bait. It's really simple.
You pass the leader through the eye of the hook and snell it onto the hook with at least five wraps about 3/4 of the way down or to where the hook begins to turn. This gives you some slack line from the eye down to the snell or knot. You then push some leader through the hook eye to form a loop. Then you put bait through the loop and pull it tight holding the bait agaist the hook. This workis especially well for holding calamari onto the hook.


Fyi I have also use Panty hose to form a little bag and then hooked that up to hold very soft delicate bait that is difficult to keep hooked up.
You can also "pre wrap" baits and keep in freezer until you go fishing.


I've used pantyhose or nylon mesh for bait bags. I've also had some success making bait bags for delicate baits of different colors likie red, orange, and pink for salmon and steelhead in rivers. I never thought to use them in salt water.


I learned if for holding roe on a hook for salmon and steelhead fishing
That technique, and learning how to cure roe was one of the first things I learned when I moved up there (Washington) in 74. The nylon deal I learned for catfishin with canned fish in the early 60's, and they are both excellent ideas, and work great.
The frozen Sardines we used to get in Cali stayed on the hook much better than these Anchovies seem to, and now that there are Strippers in Lake Pleasant, you can find them (Anchovies) in a lot of stores close to the lake.
This 18lb native steelhead out of the East fork of the Lewis River was my last hurray up that way, and I wouldn't trade it for a 100lb grouper.steelhead.jpg
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