Amor Bravio


Ask away Primo - I LOVE this novela - getting ready to watch it right now on the DVR! Do you have a webcam in my house or what????


Isadora had the nurse, Chayo, give Alonso a high dose of potassium to induce a heart attack. Pero, el chiste is that Chayo is Alonso's REAL mother, only Isadora didn't know it at the time. So, Isadora inherited La Malquerida when Alonso died. But Isadora didn't know that Alonso had signed (with his fingerprint - because he was a quadriplegic) a paper leaving the ranch specifically to Camila and Daniel.

Yes, she's still fooling around with Dionisio (the old guy with the goatee). But, she's now working over Cayetano - the owner of the next ranch over, La Buenaventura. He's divorcing his wife (Rocio) after finding out she cheated on him with Don Daniel Monterde (Camila's uncle) years ago, and that Pablo is really Daniel's son. So, in order for Cayetano to not have to give Rocio 1/2 of his bienes, he's going to transfer La Buenaventura to Isadora - who is then going to sell it to the investors for the desarollo turistico.

Me explico bien?


El Pirata
Si comadre, I never knew how or who or when Tks, will watch tonight since guau guau's is dark tonight. starts at 9 here on directy channnel 46.


I get the east coast feed early on Direct TV and DVR it so I don't have to watch the commercials. BTW, Daniel and Camila got married last night, but I think Daniel's first wife Miriam didn't really die and will make an appearance soon.


Sheesh !!!
I've been waiting for someone to say that! Believe me, I realize how ridiculous it sounds, but it's my way of turning off my brain at the end of a hard day of contract work. Sometimes I just need to focus on garbage TV to relax me. Don't judge!


I've been waiting for someone to say that! Believe me, I realize how ridiculous it sounds, but it's my way of turning off my brain at the end of a hard day of contract work. Sometimes I just need to focus on garbage TV to relax me. Don't judge!
I understand the ladies liking the drama, romance and intrigue, but really now, Playa !!?!??!


El Pirata
Oyes Prima, why is Isadora still living in a hotel suite+and who was that ruby looking girl that was all over her X. I saw that poor young guy that was bullied and was told he was adopted+I forgot who told who was getting a divorce Dionecieo?


Isadora is living in the hotel because she got kicked out of La Malquerida. She can't move in with Dionisio or his wife, Agustina, would know they're in cahoots. The redhead is Iliana, the daughter of some friends of the Albarrans (the owners of Buenaventura) who was using that guy (Rodolfo - the capataz of Malquerida) to try to make Yago jealous. But ever since Iliana and Rodolfo did the wild thing in Rodolfo's truck, Iliana wants some more of Rodolfo. Only Rodolfo doesn't want anything to do with Iliana, because he's really in love with Natalia.

Pablo was the kid being bullied by his brother (or now he knows it's his 1/2 brother) Yago. Dionisio isn't getting divorced. It's Cayetano that's getting divorced. Dionisio is goatee guy. Cayetano is the geezer with the gray hair, mustache, and bad teeth.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
Is Marlena still possessed by the devil and is Stefano still arch enemies with the Brady family?


Tks Melissa, Don't mind Roberto, he don't watch Tv, propaganda, mucha mala gente.
I don't mind at all. Cada quien, si? Like I said, it helps me to shut down after work. Plus, I've learned a ton of Spanish that way. Frases indispensibles como: "No puede ser!" and "Es el colmo!" LOL!!!