A Place In The Sun


I'm in single digits here in Prescott at 7AM, and this song came to mind. Damn cold down the hill too!



Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Just be grateful you can have a fire, It's been no burn days here in Maricopa County.....
Just be grateful you can have a fire, It's been no burn days here in Maricopa County.....
No burn days grate on me. The governments that pass these laws pollute thousands of times more than a fireplace in a house yet the governments seek to limit our freedoms under the guise of "we all should help out".


No burn? Funny how I can't walk to my mailbox without the smell of burning wood this morning........:roll:


It warmed up 45 this afternoon in Green Valley. This is the first Sunday I haven't seen golfer go by. Dog hasn't barked once today at the golfers. Poor boy.
In N. PHX/ Scottsdale, on the no burn days when I go outside for 2 minutes I smell like I was loading meats into a smoker. So much smoke in my area that it looks like fog. And that is on No Burn days.