A few things


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Since I've been home, I've been to my doc twice, 3 specialists and have had an ultrasound, a cat scan and an EMG. The only thing we know for sure is I have drop foot on my right side now. I had it on the left in Sept. and had successful surgery to fix it. He can't operate on me until January and I can't drive....My foot is so floppy I'm afraid I'll miss the brake...They are still deciding what more tests to do. They were able to control the swelling with medication and I can walk again using a cane. I was so disappointed as I wanted to come to Rocky Point for Thanksgiving. And once again, my beloved forum family came through! I have a ride both ways! Thanks to Joe (Joester) and Teri! Thanksgiving potluck, Bird Island Boat ride and the Black and White ball, here I come! It will be interesting to see if I can dance with dropfoot, tho. LOL! I'm so grateful for this forum and all my friends on here...and my neighbors in PDO! See you on Wed. before Thanksgiving!