5 Myths about Mexico


They should deport your Savior there, let him apply for a work Visa here, then try to get his citizenship and run for President legally. I especially loved the part about Mexico being a "middle class" country lol try not to step in the liberal bullshit, Good article!
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If all you saw of the USA was Yuma you might think we were just a country off the old,the ,sick,alcoholic,right wing social services hogs headed for the grave with a 12 pack,a bunch of Perscription drugs and multiple handguns.The reality is we are a great country made up of all kinds of interesting people...same goes with Mexico.Travel a little friend and it might change your mind about Mexico.Sonora is about to have a big spurt of growth with or without your purchases of bacon wrapped shrimp,beer and hookers. Thanks for reading the story....share one of your John Birch Society stories and I will read it too...Flouride dangers,black helicopters,UN plots..your choice


Why do people from Yuma pick up their trash off the side of their highways? So from these "5 myths" would you consider Yuma to be upper-middle class?


Aye carumba!!!
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Last warning - all. If you insist on making political statements in the public forums (that's why we have Rants and Raves)... you'll end up in Banned Camp, located somewhere near the outskirts of the lovely metropolis of Gila Bend.

The Management

GV Jack

Snorin God
Jerry said, "you might think we were just a country off the old,the ,sick,alcoholic,right wing social services hogs headed for the grave with a 12 pack,a bunch of Perscription drugs and multiple handguns."
So, you got a problem with Green Valley????
Great article about Mexico. Wish I could show it to some of my friends who are irrationally scared to visit Mexico.


This is a story from The top news organization in the world.It is good news.It should make everyone happy.
I have to spend a lot of time studying global markets and opportunities and we fortunately have some great economists that work for us. Ask any US based global company and you will find that 100% of them see Mexico as a huge potential market for US based goods and services due to the growing middle class. On a personal note... I have enough faith in American know how that if Mexico didn't exist we'd invent it cause it's such a blast