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    Why is our Border wide open ?

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    Why is our Border wide open ?

    Gerald, you keep posting non-sensical rebuttal articles that not even your lefty buddies defend. The Senate bill was shit, loaded with pork and Ukraine nonsense. Present a bill that ONLY solves the invasion to OUR BORDER, not a European border . The Border Patrol themselves state that the...
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    Why is our Border wide open ? Click link above to read...
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    Why is our Border wide open ? Joe Biden Flew 90% of Illegals in Secret Flight Program to Florida and Texas (VIDEO)
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    Why is our Border wide open ? Another one of Gerald’s hard working illegals, teaching other illegals the American Dream by gaming the system. Sharing how stupid we Americans are. This would make even the most lefty open border lover sick...
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    Why is our Border wide open ? Illegal Alien Charged with Raping “Mentally Incapacitated” 14-Year-Old Alabama Girl
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    Why is our Border wide open ?

    Sad state of affairs for that hotel and those workers. Happening in many hotels all over Central America
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    Why is our Border wide open ? Illegal Alien Families Given More Government Money than US Military Families
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    Why is our Border wide open ? Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens: “So Far, This Fiscal Year Alone, We Have Had People From 160 Countries or More Come Across our Border Illegally” (VIDEO)
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    Why is our Border wide open ?

    The Open Border is on purpose. Dems and RINO’s do not want it closed, nor do they want to stop flying illegals into this country from all over the globe
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    Why is our Border wide open ?

    Nah, no invasion here. Do not trust your lying eyes
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    Playa Azul Resort - The good, the bad and the feo

    that post by Rob was from September of 2021. He may not be on the forum any longer
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    Why is our Border wide open ?

    Here are a few of Gerald’s bus boys and housekeepers who have invaded our country illegally
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    Why is our Border wide open ?

    and they are doing just that. Wait until there is a major event in the US, in which they discovery weapons being used are from some of the $85 Billion of equipment Biden left behind in Afghanistan
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    Why is our Border wide open ? Brilliant call by this judge, granting ILLEGALS the right to carry and possess firearms. Treating them with constitutional rights as if they are Americans. Next move will be to allow that new...
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    Why is our Border wide open ?

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    Why is our Border wide open ?

    Short bus Gerald is an apologist for 1,000’s , just like this guy, who have evaded border patrol and invaded our border illegally :
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    Why is our Border wide open ?

    such an ass. that should be a private conversation, not an accusation on a public forum. you are like the lefty-dems who make up lies, smear, besmirch anyone you disagree with. pathetic .
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    Why is our Border wide open ?

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    Why is our Border wide open ? Senior woman , a poor and very sharp woman, gives her city council a piece of her mind on the illegal immigration invasion to her town, and what it’s costing the city of Denver. The numbers...