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  1. B

    Need Tequila

    No problem Reid, I'll give you a rattle when I get back, with what's left of your If anyone there needs something brought down ( within reason ) got a some extra room in the ride.
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    Need Tequila

    I'm not traveling south regulary but I'm heading down Feb 10th thru 14th. I'll bring you back a bottle if you have no other takers.
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    Happy Birthday, Kenny!!!!

    Happy B-day Kenny, and many more....
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    Rosie gets the story, all of it!

    Doesn't bother me a bit, post to your hearts content, like you say it's your thread. The article coming down didn't upset me, just seem like there was alot of unanswered questions and no resolution to the story. But being a sharp witted journalist like Rosie, she lets out just enough to...
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    Rosie gets the story, all of it!

    Yet you keep replying...and now with a lynch mob mentality just to spice it up a little.
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    Rosie gets the story, all of it!

    LOL...**SNAP**, and luckily I can still type while holding my breath. My appologies if you felt condescended upon, and certainly my gratitude for the work you've done on getting this story out. "As for the follow-up, it's coming", see now was that so hard, that's all I was asking for...
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    Rosie gets the story, all of it!

    Okay, the witness's account was published "for two stinkin weeks", now it's not. Rosie's feathers don't get russeled easily, and she does a good job at walking the fine line of journalistic discretion. Pardon me, but who TF cares. I'm willing to bet the couple who had their car jacked, or...
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    Rosie gets the story, all of it!

    Wonder if the Propaganda Minister wouldn't mind letting us know that they've apprehended the suspects, or if they have initiated any sort of plan to help remove the fear of driving south?
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    On the American Side

    I would think the city's loss of reveune and property taxes has more to do with it than hasseling people. Gotta recoup that money somehow.
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    Is it just me or what?

    Thanks Stuart, I thought the navel thing was an inside joke or something. Thing is, the green light is on, and the welcome box has my name posted, yet I'll still get bounced. How do I set my log on time?
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    Is it just me or what?

    Lol...silly me, should've checked that first.
  12. B

    Is it just me or what?

    What am I doing wrong. I wirte a couple paragraph response, click submit, then get a message that I can't perform this action, and need refresh and log on again.
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    Rocky Point Tourism and Visitor Assistance Bureau

    Like was said before, its a start in the right direction. But let me ask you this. On this forum are two members that are going through a living he!! with a couple schucksters that are for the most part ripping them off blind. The one member has repeatedly requested help from the "Penasco...
  14. B

    File a complaint with who?

    Below is an e-mail I received from my brother-in-law. It's a friend of his and is legitimate, but I have ommited the names for their protection. The question is, who do you report this to? Does the Rocky Pt. police have authority over Cholla police? My son told me the following story...
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    I keep my toys year round at my cabin, and mostly do all the maintaince myself. But I have a Suzuki Sidekick I'd rather take someplace to do the oil, and greese the zerks. Is there a Q-lube or Minute-lube type place in Rocky Pt. that anyone knows of?
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    Crossing Back 5-25

    Arrived at the border just about 8:00am and already backing up. Came to a stop at the incline across from the Wendy's hamburger joint. Had a +/- 1 hour wait, and when I finally got to the line the BP guard was actually in a good mood.
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    Memorial Day Weekend

    The most busy weekend I've seen since mid-last year...and dang glad to see it. Spent a good part of Friday and Saturday on Sandy beach, and it was packed, well from what it has been at least. I don't know if anyone else feels the same but it seemed to be a little cooler as opposed to past...
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    Memorial Day Weekend

    Put me down for a "kinda busy"