Search results

  1. Jim

    Anyone know a place in Ajo we can have something delivered to?

    Jeff at Border Movers?
  2. Jim

    High Winds + Low Tide = No Sunset Cruises. Right?

    I agree and the cost really isn't a factor (within reason). I just want to find something that will give a much clearer picture. Being controllable would be neat but isn't a must.
  3. Jim

    High Winds + Low Tide = No Sunset Cruises. Right?

    Thanks Joe. I'll pass this info on to Manny.
  4. Jim

    High Winds + Low Tide = No Sunset Cruises. Right?

    Thanks Joe, I'll mention it to Manny. Do they have a website with info?
  5. Jim

    High Winds + Low Tide = No Sunset Cruises. Right?

    Hey Russ, It is a little out of Manny's area of expertise. He set up the one that we are using now and he did a great job using the equipment that we already had. I've talked with him about upgrading the camera but he really doesn't know where to go for that either. He can set it up and run it...
  6. Jim

    High Winds + Low Tide = No Sunset Cruises. Right?

    BTW, I would like to upgrade the camera that we use for the live view so that we get a clearer picture. If anyone has experience, I could use some advise or recommendations. May even be interested in adding cameras at our other resorts or making it viewer controlled (pan/zoom). I've seen some...
  7. Jim

    High Winds + Low Tide = No Sunset Cruises. Right?

    The camera is back up. The wind did a number on quite a few things around town. Broken windows, billboards down and big sand dunes across the roads that became harder to remove due to the rain. Just a couple days of cleanup and we'll be good as new again...
  8. Jim

    Thunder update

    I'm not a racing purist. Actually I don't follow the sport at all (although I grew up in Jackson, MN and went to the races every Saturday night). Was I disapointed in the turnout? Sure. I also went to the concert on Saturday night. Was I disapointed with the turnout there? Yes. Were both events...
  9. Jim

    Sinaloa Market

    The new improved market is open for business. I passed by yesterday and it was pretty busy. It's still on Sinaloa about a block from the old one.
  10. Jim

    Photo of New Road Work on Malecon Entrance

    I didn't go into the parking lot so I don't know. I was looking for parking along the street but there was none. Usually, I make a couple rounds and can eventually find someone pulling out, but this time, with the mess, I didn't try for a second pass.
  11. Jim

    Photo of New Road Work on Malecon Entrance

    The wrong way on the one way was the only way to get in. There were detour signs everywhere that seemed to go the wrong way so I just went whichever way looked right and got both in and out. It was probably more confusing (like my previous sentences) than it needed to be because it was dark out...
  12. Jim

    Photo of New Road Work on Malecon Entrance

    I drove through last night around 8:00pm. It was open and you could drive all the way through via detours but it was a mess.
  13. Jim

    Sonoran Sky Live Pool/Beach Camera

    I used to have the camera a little up and to the right so that you saw less of the pool and more of the beach, skyline and old port. Someone moved it on me. I will see about having it repositioned again.
  14. Jim

    Sonoran Sky Live Pool/Beach Camera

    Check out a live view from the Sonoran Sky Resort overlooking the pools and beach. Now you can verify what the weather reports are saying by checking the rolling waves or swaying palms. I'm looking into putting in a higher resolution camera and faster speed connection. Here is the link...
  15. Jim

    Shrimp Boats - October 6, 2011

    What's up Mark? Getting a little soft these days? I thought that you went year round without a water heater... Personally, I like a hot shower no matter what the weather is like outside.
  16. Jim

    Need help once again....

    There is a guy named Raymundo who I have used in the past. I'm not sure if he works on RV stuff though. I'm also not sure if he speaks English or not but if you want to give him a try, his local number is 638-107-4577.
  17. Jim

    I'M interested in meeting some people from this forum.

    You can always find me at the Sonoran Sea Sales office. Other than that, I've pretty much been a homebody lately. Maybe that will change now that the weather is cooling down.
  18. Jim

    1,181 hit's Mexico Joe, if we count Stuarts.

    By the looks of his posts there, it's only a matter of time before he gets thrown off of that one too.
  19. Jim

    Getting an FMM

    It is my understanding that the FMM office is open during the same hours as the border.
  20. Jim

    Need an upholsterer

    Don't know the name of the place but there is a guy right across the street from Los Pinos hardware store on Revolucion. I used him for boat upholstery a few years ago and was very happy with price and quality of work.