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  1. dmcauley

    Mordita 101

    The mordida was not brought on by the ugly american. It is an unfortunate way of life in Mexico. I was taught by Mexicans, not Americans but I do say to bring me to the station. It is the bad cops, which outnumber the good, that keep it going. Sorry if people don't like it , but the facts speak...
  2. dmcauley

    Buoyweather Report for Veteran's Day weekend...

    The best of it includes fast drifts, and bouncy boats. My 26 ft cc does real well also but it sure is hard to catch fish. Buoy weather has been off lately but I'm not even going to go down w/this kind of report. The fish are at least twenty miles out at this time of year unless you like fishing...
  3. dmcauley

    From what I'm Hearing... Motorcycle Rally a Bust

    I left RP yesterday at noontime,. Wednesday, and was passed by no less than 100 bikers headed down. A lot of bikers are in construction which seems to be picking up. This time I agree with Russ. Give it a break.
  4. dmcauley

    ROBBED while we were 10 feet away in our bed...

    I KNOW we are not allowed to bring a gun to Mexico. Can we use one? Some say yes.
  5. dmcauley

    Fishing 22nd and 23rd

    Good job Art! I have one more minor surgery on wednesday and after that will be ready for some winter fishing.
  6. dmcauley

    Goodbye everyone

    Before you give up try this. People laugh at these remedies but cured peple have been laughing back quite frequently. Also get started on APlle cider vinegar right away
  7. dmcauley

    Goodbye everyone

    It's been a pleasure having you around on this and other forums over the years. I sure wish there were time to wet a line together and swap lies. Thank you for your Viet-Nam service and for many pleasurable stories. Hang in there ol' pard, you will be missed.
  8. dmcauley

    New Caborca Tourist Police

    Stuart loves RP as much as the rest of us but chooses to speak w/o the candy coating. I have a lot of friends who'll never come to RP again after the violence. I never go to parts of PHX either but I don't think they care.
  9. dmcauley

    9-29 through 10-2- good fishing, and good times

    Yeah, he was drunk!
  10. dmcauley

    Stuart Help please Or one of these
  11. dmcauley

    Stuart Help please Try this on for size bill
  12. dmcauley

    Stuart Help please

    Yeah, but it is center console and very slow. Offer Stuart $ 49,500 and see if he bites. Nice cabin, fine boat and gets ya' to the reefs fast.
  13. dmcauley

    Sea fox boats

    great boat and great price. I* love CC but some think they are too open and cold in the winter. Me, I opt for more layers of clothing to go w/all the extra room. I don't think you would go wrong w/ this boat Bill.
  14. dmcauley

    Fishing 9/18 and 9/19 2010

    The fish hanger was out on loan but here is a picture on the table
  15. dmcauley

    Fishing 9/18 and 9/19 2010

    Good Luck Art< I have my angiogram set for the first so I won't make it.
  16. dmcauley

    Fishing 9/18 and 9/19 2010

    Willy and I headed out on calm seas aboard my boat "Josefina" on Saturday morning with high hopes of catching large numbers of WSB about 25 miles offshore. Had no problem making bait and we were off and running early. We fished our first drifts for about two hours and didn't get anything except...
  17. dmcauley

    Fishing trip

    Go to phoenix sportsfishing and get a super grouper book. All these reefs in the book are grouper producers. Hang out at Safe Marina and get to know us guys. There is a lot of good info passed along there. Read these reports for more info.
  18. dmcauley

    Look what I caught ....

    Great Boat!! Almost bought the one at Bass Pros myself but found a bigger boat for less money. Just in time for deep water fishing. as Stu says, get it down and get it bloody. Congratulations on the new mistress.
  19. dmcauley

    Labor Day Fishing (or Bust) Here is a dependable program to use in conjunction w/ buoyweather
  20. dmcauley

    Labor Day Fishing (or Bust)
