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  1. mexicoruss

    Luxury Vehicle and safety question.....

    Once you cross the border into San Luis you will head East on 2 5 miles from the center of town where you cross you will see the very well marked highway to El Golfo de Santa Clara and Puerto Peñasco, it is highway 3
  2. mexicoruss


  3. mexicoruss


  4. mexicoruss


    I want so bad to tell you what I think.....then I think of all my friends from around here that would be disappointed in my language against your sh, I cant finish it.
  5. mexicoruss


    Sometimes I read your post and wonder "wtf are you doing here" if it is so bad for you please leave and take your pisiness with you. (I think I made that word up) so tired of reading your crap, then I guess I should just give up like a lot of the other contributors geez what a waste
  6. mexicoruss

    Sandy Beach and the Jetty

    No they probably made a mistake and had to regroup.........just kidding dont worry about it they will finish it or not......
  7. mexicoruss

    Pumpkin seeds

    Sorry Leigh I dont know.....
  8. mexicoruss

    Hurricane Patricia

    From what I have heard there was a lot of interaction for evacuation. Schools, restaurants, almost anything in Manzanillo and Puerto Vallarta has been boarded up, public transportation will shut down at 2:00 and the Electricity will be turned off before the storm hits to prevent other weird...
  9. mexicoruss

    directions to butcher shop

    Haven't set the price but it will be cheap as a download with a hardbound available later. The cool things about downloadable books is that as pertinent info changes it gets sent automatically to those that downloaded the book. I think we are talking about a 7.99 usd price but that is a ball...
  10. mexicoruss

    directions to butcher shop

    I have a book coming out later in the year that will give you coordinates on everything to do and see from a tour guides point of view. It will be available as a download to tablet or phone and will use links and gps to get you where you want to go....stay tuned.
  11. mexicoruss

    directions to butcher shop

    you turned the wrong way on Constitucion
  12. mexicoruss

    Homeport issues

    Gosh Jerry we can only hope so.
  13. mexicoruss

    Google Maps

    Yeah I had 4 different tours last week and Mr. Google almost hit me twice during the week, it appears he does not feel the need to make a stop at stop signs or even to look both ways before entering the road....he almost got an accident view added to his street view.
  14. mexicoruss

    RCPM Weekend!

    It's been busy even without the fantastic musicians that have been heading our way.
  15. mexicoruss

    Travel trailer or 5th wheel

    A friend has one here and I can direct you to it, I believe it is larger than what you spec and has slide rooms and is already here in Mex and taking up too much space on her property could be a match/
  16. mexicoruss

    Bringing tools to Rocky Point

    I cross the border with my van full of tools pretty regularly and I have not had a problem at all when asked I just tell them I am a carpenter and they are like "pasale guey"
  17. mexicoruss

    Tide walkers' Guide To the Sea of Cortez

    Oh no I didn't read the clicky I thought the question was how much was it at CEDO
  18. mexicoruss

    Tide walkers' Guide To the Sea of Cortez

    Pesos........250 pesos.......
  19. mexicoruss

    First time to Mexico?

    Top Ten things that prove this is your first trip South of the Border! 1st Time to Mexico
  20. mexicoruss

    RV parks

    I have groups heading into Playa Bonita starting very soon and some large caravans coming to the Reef early 2016 but there is still plenty of room everywhere