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  1. mondone

    Barb’s Dog Rescue trouble

    =AZW8Dny8tURE5G5aY17IEqBDZJ5AZbyrZwsC_FWIPyZuRpEaBsoAg77BSLaNa59shPlXXCjqMT7lqvu7SeBeGnKUAnQlRhC7qgumHwK-xRhjVloQna9C06LDM_Ih-BAHuvDGq4QBXOAZsLX7e2H4JCfQB2zhlud-gKBdtINOVWDcBtoaF6Celmw-a4FMXICZjVOu3bl43jvrRy8ittTDHWNT&__tn__=-UC%2CP-y-R']Barb's Dog Rescue Poster based in Mexico · · **MEDIA...
  2. mondone

    Our Amigo Stuart
  3. mondone

    Our Amigo Stuart

    I'm told he went in for endoscopy for GI discomfort and they found cancer. Sure was sudden.
  4. mondone

    Our Amigo Stuart

    RIP mi amigo
  5. mondone

    Friday At 5 pm will give it a go.

    Stuart said he no longer has admin ability, so he could not help. Tyler? Who knows?
  6. mondone

    Fiesta Cruiser

    Neither really. Just joking about the old POS Fiesta Cruiser that sunk at the head of the harbor years back. This one is actually an old RP boat also, the Fiesta Penasco, that was sent to south Baja, Cabo maybe, can't remember, and refurbished and sailed there for years. Now it is back here in RP.
  7. mondone

    Concert with Roger Clyne.

  8. mondone


    Weather here has been just awesome lately! Personal Weather Station Dashboard | Weather Underground (
  9. mondone

    Fiesta Cruiser

    Oh no, it's back! :eek:
  10. mondone

    Gas Prices

    VIP Sonoyta was $4.08/gal this morning.
  11. mondone

    Some thoughts on Puerto Penasco.

    Ditto on all except for the Capones part!
  12. mondone

    Trip report 4/27 to 5/02

    Why do they call these yellow forked-tailed fish pompano down here? They are leatherjackets, hardly a pompano. Whole different fish.
  13. mondone

    Gas Prices

    Pemex on the shortcut yesterday offering $16.80 to dollar. My Fidelity Visa converted at $17.55 to dollar for the purchase.
  14. mondone

    Gas Prices

    Pemex on the Sonoyta shortcut this morning- $4.07/gal. Why Texaco $4.79
  15. mondone

    Suggestions for getting quad down to RP

    Call Aron Brown, he can get it done. +52 636 110 0850
  16. mondone

    Trip report 4/27 to 5/02

    For me down here, It's a 4"8" GX2 Ugly Stik U-L rod (2-6 lb line) with an Ardent Arrow 2000 reel.
  17. mondone

    Trip report 4/27 to 5/02

    Caught several big corvina 2 days ago at Estero Morua. Largest was 6.6 lbs at 29". Some nice fish, all on ultra-light tackle.
  18. mondone

    Propane $$

    How's the ZaGas propane price these days? I have 1000L tank that is down to about 30 and wondering if it may be a good time to add some more to the tank next time they drive by if price is decent right now.
  19. mondone

    "Chocolate" car regularization program

    Looked into importing my 88 Nissan Pathfinder a few years ago and was told it did not qualify. Lol, it's Asian vehicle but riveted plaque on door sill states "Built in Mexico"!
  20. mondone

    "Chocolate" car regularization program

    Why would you need this plate as a permanent resident if you are going to stay in the free-zone? I don't understand it's purpose.