Here's another good solution to the problems of politics...who cares. This is the second recent example of an opposition candidate leading in the polls who was shot and killed. Who Cares. Hey that's a great political slogan you came up with there Russ. Who Cares.
Shot and killed Morena candidate, former leader of AD in Yurécuaro, Michoacán
Yurécuaro, Michoacán.-
The candidate for Mayor of Yurécuaro, Michoacán, for the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), was shot to death this afternoon by unidentified gunmen.
The founder of the self-defense groups in Yurécuaro received several gunshots while traveling in a van with his daughter to a rally in the city.
A few minutes ago his death was confirmed.
In the attack that occurred about an hour ago, three other men were hit by bullets, but the severity of their injuries is unknown.
Morena sources reported that the aspiring mayor was ahead in voter preferences and said that almost 90 percent of the municipality of Yurécuaro was showing support, especially for the help they received from Hernández as part of self-defense groups.
Last week Hernández led a rally with more than 1,500 supporters.