I've been there for most SB's and I'm sure some places were busy and I was down for the 1st weekend and left on Wednesday so I'm sure it got busier.
Another reason I doubt there were 55k, is there would be 6hr waits today vs the 30 minutes from the above post.
Having been in RP during Easter, 20 years of SB's and Memorial Day weekends when the estimates were 40-50,000, with those numbers people just invaded everything and the whole town was just taken over.
I never saw anything close to that.
On Sat, Mar.14 at 6pm, at Bandito's there were 25 cars parked nearby, JJ's had less than 35 people at 9PM.
On Sun. the 15th, Wrecked on SB had 40-50 cars in their lot.
Driving in town Sun, Mon. and Tuesday traffic was pretty light all places we went, I was surprised how un-busy BJ was even in the south end of town.
There weren't any lines at the ATM's I saw, which always have a line of kids during many SB's, I've witnessed.
La Curva, had 10 people in there for lunch, Bryans had 15 people at 6-7pm on Monday, Super Ley wasn't very busy the 2x we went.
Freemont traffic was very normal. I sure didn't see many ATV's and Rhino's driving around, most were parked at the rental places.
Hopefully Easter brings some extra business to RP and all the Nationals visiting spend some extra money.