I had a break in back in October, 1st time they went through a small 12x18" bathroom window,
a local friend saw the broken window and called the Cholla Police.
Most everything they were going to take was packed up by the front door.
5 days later after I had him replace the window and put a steel bar across it they broke in again,
it took breaking 3 large dual-pane windows to finally get in, this time they took all they planned to take the first time.
The next day neighbors walking their dogs saw all the broken glass and called the Police.
I came down the next week and did a 3rd police report and the interview with the Minister.
5 trips and 12 hours of waiting and talking with other people I received my official report to be filed
with my insurance company Pro Alliance.
After being jerked around by the adjusters and going back and forth on the values and proof I had the items stolen
and damaged, we finally agreed on a settlement.
It took another 2+ months to finally get a payout, which required me to come to RP (a good excuse)
and take a credit letter to the bank to get the payout.
Paty at Rosie's Pro Alliance was great in having this finally happen.
Lessons learned from this.
Take pictures of everything in you homes, have receipts for everything you bring or buy for your places,
that will help you recover more than the 40-50% the insurance company will try to get you to settle for. And lot's of patience in dealing with the insurance company.
(most of my stuff taken was 1-3 years old)
Also install a alarm to at least scare off the amateurs.