We hit the border about 930am yesterday morning with no line at all. Working k9 began to bark at the back of my truck and i knew automatically i was in for a load of BS again. Proceeded to the inspections area and was asked a load of questions. Was taken into the waiting area where the guy at the computer asked me the same crap but then decided to tell me he didnt care if we smoked but only cared if we tried to bring it back over to the states. Inspection agent came back into the waiting area and asked if we smoked (wife was with me). I replied "smoke what" and he said "marijuana". Answered him with a firm no and then he asked if we had anyone else in the car with us or drove anyone around that did "smoke". He then went back and to the truck and came back 20 minutes later and said "you are free to go but please be careful in mexico". They really made it seem like they had found something and were trying to get me to admit to doing something wrong when i had not. I dont know if its me or if its my truck but its almost clockwork that i get inspected on my way back into the states in the summer and they are looking for drugs in my gas tank or under the carriage.