Don'ts please ad yours


  • Drive at night..Penasco teacher killed near Y Griega on the 14th
  • eat scallops in the summer....they can't process fast enough to be safe
  • take pottery shards will be cursed
  • drive on beach without lowering tire pressure to 10-15
  • fish from shore with out some backup shrimp/multihooks and bobber setup if 3/4 oz castmaster isn't working
  • drive over the posted bs speed limit in Sonoyta reguardless of how fast others are going
  • smuggle in dog food
  • smuggle in beef
  • have more that 2 dogs per person...have papers
  • bring a big bag of Oranges back to USA
  • have an Obama Sticker on your car...customs searches you more often
  • forget to stop at a Agua Chili if you head south La Cinta (pepsi sign) is super clean,super fresh and super good
  • assume( after happy hour) that the lack of a turn signal means the Cholla Bay crowd is going straight
  • forget to go exploring..
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Shop in at least one small, locally owned store each trip!
Pick up your trash (and someone else's) at the beach.
Smile and say hello to the locals, you'll always get one back.
Don't Forget to...
Share your experience here with the good folks back home.
Remember that most of you are a visitor in a foreign country.
Do you part for the environment and purchase beer with returnable bottles... preferably from CoronaGirl's store on Juarez.
Listen to GoPenasco Radio for weather and tide info along with great classic rock.


Lovin it in RP!
I especially like the Dont forget to explore!

Dont forget to get lost in a long conversations with new or old friends, time is not always money!


Don't forget to relax and appreciate that you are there, remember what keeps you coming back, and savor every moment.
If you live there full time, don't forget how lucky you are, and remember the rest of us that are still trying to figure out how to join you full time!


AKA Carnac
Dont ask what your Rocky Point can do for you, ask what you can do for your Rocky Point............ Jerry, don't tell me about the new ISR tax about to clean our clocks, dont say its true. or is it ISR? I dont want to tell you either about a new raise of the transfer tax.


Lovin it in RP!
Dont think that money equals contentment, and that you cant be content without money! Some of my neighbors teach me that every day!


My buddy is freaking out over is a killer for builders...I sort of understand it but can't figure out why they are killing the golden goose
Dont ask what your Rocky Point can do for you, ask what you can do for your Rocky Point............ Jerry, don't tell me about the new ISR tax about to clean our clocks, dont say its true. or is it ISR? I dont want to tell you either about a new raise of the transfer tax.


Don't haggle to the point of being obnoxious with beach vendors-that $5.00 you save that you'll brag to your friends at home about will soon be pissed away on a $5.00 fancy coffee at Starbucks. The extra $5.00 for the vendor will make a difference to them!

Terry C

Just keep in mind, some people including biz owners spend what they make. In good times people spend all their makes and in bad times they have no makes to spend....


AKA Carnac
My buddy is freaking out over is a killer for builders...I sort of understand it but can't figure out why they are killing the golden goose
Using the dont word. It don't make sense. If its an addition to the ISR, its already over 30 percent, I think I would start dumping, all I could before it takes effect. I hope they hurry up and sell Pemex, that will free up a little money.


Stay Thirsty My Friends

1) Eat oysters during months without an "R" in the name (Mayo, Junio, Julio, Agusto)

2) Haggle over a matter of pennies in the exchange rate- life is short and time is precious

3) Pay 100% up front (ever)

4) Forget to turn off your boat's batteries when you take it out of the water.

5) Miss the chance to see the sun come up from far offshore at least once

6) Feed the Sea lions

7) Hog all the Flan

8) Squeeze the Charmin...


#5 above is one if my favorites. How bad is it that some nights I can't wait to go to sleep just so I can wake up early, sit on the patio, sip my coffee and watch the sunrise?

P.S. This thread makes up for all the BS this weekend with Happy. Thanks for starting it Jerry!


hmm let's have some don'ts from the dark side:
  • even take for granted the slim beautiful woman at the dark bar late at night that really likes you is really a woman
  • ever complain to the drug dealer in the bar bathroom your coke has been stepped on or he might step on you
  • park the F250 near Twin Dolphin...Roberto needs a new truck
  • ever ask your teenager what she had to do to get all those cheap strands Chino beads
  • light fireworks in your hand larger than your little toes
  • tell the bartender the margarita sucks unless that is your last one
Authors note. None of these things has happened to me