Problems on the U.S. Side


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OK, I'm thinking about you right now at 12:21 and my thought is after spending 7 years in N.M. myself and love the food there, why in the hell are you eating taquitos instead of some Carne adobada with some Sopaipilla's for desert?
Mr Kenny if I may address you as such NM is a beauitfull state and the servings are superb through out the state we I prefer taquitos when they are prepared as to what we enjoyed this day at said hour carne adobada and sopaipillas are excellent as well and the menus are to search for Mr Joe if I may address you as such or if you prefer Joseph please advise regarding yours and other posters concerning the readability of my readings re periods and other symbols I find no difficulty in comprehending such in said day light hour Mrs pitiquitorosy if I may address you as such that is a interesting call name how did it come into existance what position do you represent in rocky point and for your information we have not had intentions on planning a visit to rocky point we are simply considering all of what is posted on this entire forum we were advised that in the last few days a prominant doctor in nogales sonora mexico was gunned down and killed just across the border from nogales arizona this we are aware that this is some distance from rocky point however it is in the state of sonora mexico again for your information this does not frighten us is just another point to consider in closing this version we did arrive at our destination safely and did return to our residence in same condition as when we left and we were not taken as some of posters say by the pigs to jail or elsewhere and we passed some in very nice uniforms if I may say to those of you that pick up that pig cross I wish you well for it is overbearing


Funny!!!!...over the last 40 years thanks to the war on drugs every black man,Mexican -American and anglo counter-culture type have gotten or just missed being nailed by the state with a drug felony.It's a hard row to hoe having a felony on your back in modern America.
Too true, layer on the the Mad Mothers and DUI Laws, and the percentage of the population with a criminal record continues to escalate. anybody home????? Do you have something against punctuation? You know, periods, commas, question marks, etc.??????? Is it against your religion, or political beliefs? I was going to count the number of words in your post without any punctuation, but quit after I got to the fourth line.....


Case closed in death of former participant at Buddhist retreat - Arizona Range News: News 10 miles from the New Mexico line Goddess Kali worshiping ,bloody sword dancing naked among 100s of others cult member died in a cave 1 mile from my ranch. So I guess you can't go to Arizona either. Check out my comment after the story which quotes me saying the cops screwed this up.They are dodging lcivil charges for botching the rescue so covering stuff up is the name of the game.

Mr Kenny if I may address you as such NM is a beauitfull state and the servings are superb through out the state we I prefer taquitos when they are prepared as to what we enjoyed this day at said hour carne adobada and sopaipillas are excellent as well and the menus are to search for Mr Joe if I may address you as such or if you prefer Joseph please advise regarding yours and other posters concerning the readability of my readings re periods and other symbols I find no difficulty in comprehending such in said day light hour Mrs pitiquitorosy if I may address you as such that is a interesting call name how did it come into existance what position do you represent in rocky point and for your information we have not had intentions on planning a visit to rocky point we are simply considering all of what is posted on this entire forum we were advised that in the last few days a prominant doctor in nogales sonora mexico was gunned down and killed just across the border from nogales arizona this we are aware that this is some distance from rocky point however it is in the state of sonora mexico again for your information this does not frighten us is just another point to consider in closing this version we did arrive at our destination safely and did return to our residence in same condition as when we left and we were not taken as some of posters say by the pigs to jail or elsewhere and we passed some in very nice uniforms if I may say to those of you that pick up that pig cross I wish you well for it is overbearing


Mr Kenny if I may address you as such NM is a beauitfull state and the servings are superb through out the state we I prefer taquitos when they are prepared as to what we enjoyed this day at said hour carne adobada and sopaipillas are excellent as well and the menus are to search for Mr Joe if I may address you as such or if you prefer Joseph please advise regarding yours and other posters concerning the readability of my readings re periods and other symbols I find no difficulty in comprehending such in said day light hour Mrs pitiquitorosy if I may address you as such that is a interesting call name how did it come into existance what position do you represent in rocky point and for your information we have not had intentions on planning a visit to rocky point we are simply considering all of what is posted on this entire forum we were advised that in the last few days a prominant doctor in nogales sonora mexico was gunned down and killed just across the border from nogales arizona this we are aware that this is some distance from rocky point however it is in the state of sonora mexico again for your information this does not frighten us is just another point to consider in closing this version we did arrive at our destination safely and did return to our residence in same condition as when we left and we were not taken as some of posters say by the pigs to jail or elsewhere and we passed some in very nice uniforms if I may say to those of you that pick up that pig cross I wish you well for it is overbearing
If she's not planning on going down, why is she asking on another thread for the names & phone #'s for the r.v. parks? Then asks about fishing licenses? I've only read two threads today & she's on both. I'm exhausted, & my eyes hurt.


Well in the real world people buy weed and sell weed to get free weed.It's the free enterprise system.Other people that are bad men try to rob these pyramind marketers so everybody guns up.Once you get a felony you can't get a job so you branch out into other crime. From Time Magazine
Here are the facts. The U.S. has 760 prisoners per 100,000 citizens. That's not just many more than in most other developed countries but seven to 10 times as many. Japan has 63 per 100,000, Germany has 90, France has 96, South Korea has 97, and Britain--with a rate among the highest--has 153. Even developing countries that are well known for their crime problems have a third of U.S. numbers. Mexico has 208 prisoners per 100,000 citizens, and Brazil has 242. As Robertson pointed out on his TV show, The 700 Club, "We here in America make up 5% of the world's population but we make up 25% of the [world's] jailed prisoners."

Read more: America's War on Drugs Drives High Incarceration Rates - TIME

And you guys really think this is a good thing? my guess is the only way you know the Fox crowd can stay in power is to give all us fun loving people and race mixers a felony so we can't vote. Oh also bro, no weed smoker ever broke his girlfriends jaws while stoned that's legal alcohol style partying.
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I fought the law and the law won.
Ordinarily I stick with my resolve to use this forum solely for recreational and educational purposes related to Rocky Point and surrounding areas, but just for a couple of minutes I'm going to jump up on the soapbox DMAC recently abandoned and put some points on the board for people who prefer their rants seasoned with facts and logic
Whoa can't wait for the "facts and logic"

I'm always hearing our prisons are overcrowded because people who are otherwise innocent are being incarcerated for minor drug possessions. I just now searched the internet for government statistics on that subject and found them elusive, but I did uncover this article from Five myths about prison growth. - Slate Magazine. In prisons, not jails, 50% of inmates are there for violent crimes and 20% are there for property crimes. Only 20% are in for drug offenses, and these are mostly for distribution, not mere possession. The median time served for a prison inmate in the U.S. is 2 years. The principal impact of drug laws on increased prison populations is the role of prior convictions in determining sentencing. When a dirtbag breaks his girlfriend's jaw or pulls a knife on a store clerk, a prior arrest rfor drugs will make it more likely, and sometimes mandatory, that he will receive a prison sentence instead of probation with counseling.
Wow, that is awesome that you did an internet search. Did it happen to figure into your mind that people locked up in jail might figure they are no better off that those in "prison"? Most states keep prisons for offenses above 2 years and jails for below that threshold. So by removing jails you basically removed the lowest rung on the ladder, which would be simple possession. Would it make you feel better if you had to spend a weekend in a jail as opposed to a prison? I'm thinking not.

I should point out that is not Fox News.
How very cosmopolitan of you! Give yourself a pat on the back from taking a break from the Sean Hannity show! Now back to reality, the arrest rate for simple possession is about 450 / 100,000. In the private prison / court / police complex this represent s a butt load of money. I mean the money you would have to work really hard at to convince people your product was really good in order to sell it. Fortunately for the prison/industrial/pig complex they have people like you who don't really give a flying "F" about the rights of other people so long as you can relax in your easy chair and watch "Cops" at night.

Another thing I'm always hearing is that Americans are incarceration-happy because we've locked up a greater percentage of our population than any other country on the planet. But if you look closer at this subject, you should see it as a source of pride since it reflects a government that endeavors to protect its people regardless of race, ethnicity or wealth. Much has been made of disproportionately higher arrest and incarceration rates for blacks and Hispanics, but that overlooks the fact that most crime victims suffer at the hands of members of their own race or ethnic group and thus are the principal beneficiaries from arrests and incarcerations of criminals from their own neighborhoods. If America's criminal justice system ignored crime against minorities and the poor, arrest and incarceration rates among minorities and the poor would surely drop sharply. Would that be a more progressive approach?
Wow, I have never looked at it that way. I mean, by that measure we're only second to North Korean in terms of protecting our population. You're right though, it we allowed people to drive around with empty beer bottles in the back seat and let them have cannabis, lord knows what kind of mayhem would ensue! Thank goodness we have the pigs to keep us safe from ourselves.

In discussions of crime in Mexico, I often see references to the "impunity rate," meaning the percentage of reported serious crimes that go unpunished. In Mexico the impunity rate is always reported at around 95-98% depending on the time period and entity reporting it. In other words, if you commit rape, murder or robbery in Mexico, the odds you will ever be punished by the law are 2 to 5%. Statistics are similar for most Latin American countries. (I've tried to find out the impunity rate in the U.S. and European countries for comparison but can't find it. I'd be grateful if someone digs it up.) I believe a major reason for Latin America's high impunity rate has to do with Latin America's philosophical orientation toward government in general and criminal justice in particular. It seems that in Latin America, government officials' concept of law enforcement is ensuring that the government is being obeyed. Protection of the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness for the average citizen doesn't seem to be a priority, possibly because the citizens who matter most to the government are hiring their own private security forces anyway. I'm encouraged by the demands of Mexico's citizens for better protectionfor the average person against gangs, kidnappers and serial killers, but I fear that the government will dismiss their protests and demands as just another element of the white noise that Mexico City's incessant protests and demonstrations have become.
I am not for a Mexican-style government, but I do hold a country who supposedly is founded on "life, libery and the pursuit of happiness" to a higher ideal. With regards to the comparison, it seems that in Mexico you have no legal rights but the folks there are willing to grant you normal human consideration, and in the US you supposedly have legal rights and they grant you absolutely no human consideration. Pick your poison. I know for me I prefer the Mexican style to the American one.

My intention is not to say the U.S. is good and Mexico is bad, but I would encourage everyone to reflect on what we truly have here in the U.S. Some will always want to characterize the U.S. as a police state. That's fine, except that since English is routinely taught to school children throughout most of the world (excluding Mexico), people from all over the world may be reading this stuff and wondering how much of it can be believed. I wanted to offer some clarifying remarks.
The US is a indeed a police state and if you are too stupid to realize that, forget learning anything regarding language because the police want you to stay right where you are.

And to DMAC, I would suggest that you keep right on challenging those police states wherever you find them, preferably by asserting in Mexico the inalienable rights you feel you have to possessing guns and in the U.S. your right to possess drugs. Then, when you can find internet access wherever you end up next, write us a comparison of what happened in the two cases with respect to knowing the charges against you, availabilty of competent legal counsel if you cannot afford it, swift and speedy trial, presumption of innocence and professionalism in the corrections system. We Americans always aspire to self-improvement, and your thoughts will be invaluable to us.
Nice, your kind of Americans are smug feeling that you're superior to the rest of the world, despite the fact that aided by dullards like yourself, the US has decended to probably the worst police state next to North Korea. Get over your self-important rah-rah, US BS and get real. This country if F'd up and if you don't recoginize that then you're part of the problem.


I fought the law and the law won.
With your views on life I might as well give my 4 year old pot. I guess we know what all the smart people on here are smoking.
I drink beer, wine, vodka, gin, bourbon, Scotch, smoke cigars (Cuban) and have sex.

I guess with views like that you should get your 4 year old some beer, wine, vodka, gin, bourbon, Scotch, a cigar and a hooker. I mean, if it's good for an adult it must be good for a 4 year old, right? Or were you implying that the govt should treat fully grown individuals as 4 year olds? I have a hard time following the arguments of dullards.


I fought the law and the law won.
Amen audsley! DMAC enjoy your guns and dope. You know that old saying if you go looking for trouble you'll find it? I hope you find it.
I'm a peaceful person. I don't go looking for trouble, any more that a woman walking alone a night is asking to get raped. If the pigs stop me for no good reason, they're the ones looking for trouble, not me.


I fought the law and the law won.
Let's see all of those are legal except for the cuban cigars. Pretty hard to figure out what I'm talking about isn't it?
OK so you are going to deprive your 4 year old of Cuban cigars and make him smoke Dominicans just because it's legal? What kind of parent are you!
Oh wait you can now go and say your arm hurts and that will qualify you for a medical maj card. Must make it ok as long as you are 18 right?


I fought the law and the law won.
Oh wait you can now go and say your arm hurts and that will qualify you for a medical maj card. Must make it ok as long as you are 18 right?
I don't ask for permission for what is already a right of mine. Nobody has the right to tell me what food I can eat, what drink I can drink or what I can take as far as medicine. Did that whole "people endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights" thing just go right over your head?


I fought the law and the law won.
I will give you that. I don't care what you do as long as it doesn't affect me or my family in any way.
I don't give a flying F what you and your family do, but it seems like you got a hard-on to tell me how to live my life.