Y'all are probably sick of me repeating this but keep in mind that it's NOT news. It's highly filtered information designed to do one thing, garner eyes on the program. They like to appear important and exciting. To me it's the National Inquirer syndrom. They will tell you what they think will have you come back tomorrow, the don't give a sh*t about anything else, NOTHING. Just review the news mottos you have heard: "You heard it Here FIRST " etc. etc. Same reasons they cover the violence, it garners eyes, higher viewer numbers and higher spot rates. The news is one of the biggest money makers for most local stations.
If enough people bitch*t to them you have a better chance of changing things than getting the Govt. to stop. It's the coverage that causes the problem moreso than the actual Govt. warning issued. To understand how sick this industry is, follow Rupert and the News of the World scandal. Of course then it's the mentality of the viewers. Urrrp, well that gave me indigesiton.