Interesting, and how many and what color Valium did it take to come up with that incoherent scathing retort.:???: I must say Sonny, I'm more than a little disappointed in your comeback to our east coast cowboy's lack of patience, and rude rant.
OK, whats the news? Have you followed up on any of the leads you've been given, or should I have Joe personally get in touch with you by private email.:grin:
Now Kenny, I really have to take umbrage with that characterization of my post....on a scale of 1 to 10, as far as rude rants go, I would have to put mine at somewhere around a 3 or 4 compared to some of the stuff we've seen on here. And as for a New York type response, it would be a minus 2 -3!! :lol: And I didn't even resort to the normal slapdown that's used on most forums when a newbie reacts the way this one did....particularly with the criticism and impatience.....they're pointed to the search function!
And then we have the "valium" retort? Is that the best he/she can do???? :stir:
I just re-read the OP....maybe the person is looking for a "freebie"....someone to offer adding on another receiver to their US account ($5-6 per month) and letting him/her use the receiver????? That's the only way of getting satellite tv "on the cheap"!
There is a person that I've worked with who has this knack of coming to you for help whenever he has a job to do...asking questions (and question....after question)....and after you're done answering his stream of questions, you've wound up doing the job for him!