You should charge a commission to Manny for your ideas. Ideas like this are probably the only way to save this place. I don't remember any decor, so to speak, other than chain link fencing.
QUOTE=jerry;48087]Ms2810 i think I know who to turn to to save the wreck of the SS Manny. We write to gordon Ramsey and get the BBC to do a Kitchen Nightmares show down in Rocky Point.
Maybe turn to Architectural Students from the Uof A or a Sonoran University to work on a redesign as a class project if Gordon is busy.
My ideas :
go late 60's retro american vw surfervan meets retro Airstream look
meets young vibrant mexico../open air sitting areas with rattan couches.firepits,sea food,,to stay or to go(like Ivars takeout in Pike Street market area) outdoor oven making personal pizzas,,,,,but seafood and breakfast are the key....tie in a deal with Canadian rvers to arrange places to stay with meals from mannys as part of the park package...hey Manny jr. seems way sharper than the average young wheeler-dealer (a complement) he could really get this thing cooking again...[/QUOTE]