US type of foods in Penasco?

El Gato

My DH likes certain US foods - Beanie-Weenies, Corn beef hash, Carrot cake, etc. Frozen foods (like Stoffers), etc.

Does anyone know who might carry some of these types of can goods? I know Rocky Imports carrys a few - like Ragu Speg. mix - pan cake mix - some cake mixes (not carrot cake however). Someone sent us to a Mercado south of Super Ley on the same side of the street - but everything I bought there when opened was moldy or stale and I ended up throwing it away.

We were going to make an Ajo run but with the recent comments about them not letting you bring in some of the stuff he wants (meats, cheese, eggs, etc.) he isn't sure it is worth it. Also would like to support the merchants here.

Thanks for any suggestions.


There is that one supermarket at the north side of town when you come in, we shopped there and it was great. dont forget to tip the people out in the parking lot that work there and helps you load your bags.
Very friendly store, will be seeing it in a few days.
Have you been to "Aka Si" it's simular to a Dollar Store almost all things are $13 pesos... they have a lot of different foods on the shelfs... You might find some of what you're looking for...


I haven't been to Rocky Point in two years but we used to go down there about a dozen times a year for 35 years. We brought anything and everything when it came to food in our RV. Did something change? We stocked the cabinets and refigerator full before we left. When Playa Elegante closed down we had to rent a condo. We took tubs of food, coolers full of meat, etc. But, to answer your question, you will find a lot of American foods down there. I'm sure you will find something your hubby will eat. I could go down with nothing and eat for weeks with the best food I've ever tasted! Try it, you'll like it - no you'll love it!

El Gato

I buy a lot of things down here - we esp. love the fruits and veggies (can't beat quality and/or price) and I love the Sonoran Beef (DH likes the poorer grade of US beef - sigh). Eggs I have a problem with as most places don't keep them refrig. and they are dirty (a major no no when I used to sell eggs when I was in the 4H as a kid). What he misses the most are sme of the "snack" foods he is used to and some of the canned foods - which is why we normally make an Ajo run every few months. To tell the truth we actually hate leaving Penasco for that short of time - really spoiled here. What he has gotten used to State side - and what is actually not good for you - is all the "chemical" added stuff - give me pure sugar any day - etc. When you are in late 70's harder to change lifetime tastes - maybe. But I'm working on him :)
My wife Barb is the same way with eggs... she won't eat local eggs we have several friends that bring them down every time they visit... and she also has to have American Coke Zero... I can't tell the difference in either of them... In fact she is on an egg run to Ajo right now...

You really should check out "Aka Si" they do have a good assortment of snack foods... one of my favorites we always get there is Carmel Corn...

El Gato

Yes DH did find the Carmel Corn - only last two times we were there they didn't have any. Will check again.

Let me know if she has any problems bringing in the eggs - as a friend on his last run was told them he couldn't bring them in any more. Hopefully that was just a one time problem (they just gave him a warning and did let him through with his eggs).


I actually love the Coke Light in Penasco and feel it tastes much better than Diet Coke or Coke Zero, but that's just my opinion.
Yes DH did find the Carmel Corn - only last two times we were there they didn't have any. Will check again.

Let me know if she has any problems bringing in the eggs - as a friend on his last run was told them he couldn't bring them in any more. Hopefully that was just a one time problem (they just gave him a warning and did let him through with his eggs).
They have the Carmel Corn back in stock... I just munched a bag last night... and I will be sure to let you know how it goes with the eggs later this afternoon...

MIRAMAR about the Coke Light... I've never tried it, I'm not a big soda drinker, Barb usually gets the Coke Zero because it doesn't have the aspertame or whatever they call the sweeteners they put in soft drinks these days... Coke Zero is about the only thing other than regular Coke that Barb can drink without breaking out in a rash or getting a headache... I myself enjoy good ol' Agua Mineral con Limon...
I saw many, many US foods/products at Bodega...........and I believe the grocery store that azfish is referring to is the Santa Fe Market. Have you tried either of these???

El Gato

Yes, have gone to both lots of time and can get some of the things - last time I was there neither of them refrig. their eggs (Super Ley does) - Like the meat and bakery best at Bodega (and the cat food is cheapest there) - Santa Fe and Super Ley tend to have better veggies and fruits then Bodega when we've been there. Went out today and found the carmel corn at Aka Si (they also have Peanut butter). We hit quite a few places and DH came home with a lot of snacks - I couldn't pin him down on things to actually cook for dinner). Did find Oroweat Bread at Super Ley, which he really likes. Didn't get to Bodega today - our "get up and go" done went and "got up and went". Rocky Imports also had door stoppers - between my very limited Spanish and charades I managed to convey what it was I was looking for - glad they have a sense of humor. It was actually a lot of fun.

El Gato

Is is on Benito Juarz - south of Calle 13 on the east side of the street - there is a stop light there - I'm always missing it. It is sort of a dollar store. Some of their prices are really good and others seemed a little highe then some of the mercado's like Super Ley, Santa Fe, etc. They have canned/packaged food, household things, dog food, school supply type of stuff, toys, etc. They do not take credit cards. We use Capital One at most of the other places - the only Credit card that doesn't charge us a fee for using it out of the USA and has given good exchange rates. I don't like going around with a lot of cash in my pocket - no matter where I am.
Yes DH did find the Carmel Corn - only last two times we were there they didn't have any. Will check again.

Let me know if she has any problems bringing in the eggs - as a friend on his last run was told them he couldn't bring them in any more. Hopefully that was just a one time problem (they just gave him a warning and did let him through with his eggs).
Barb just returned from Ajo about a half an hour ago... I unloaded the groceries and the cooler with four 18 count cartons of eggs... No problems bringing them across, she did get a green light though... in fact she said there wasn't really any traffic at the boarder, so they may not have been searching anyone coming across...

Barb did say that she puts the eggs on the bottom of the cooler and puts just a few light things on top with plenty of ice and when they do search they just open the cooler and look at what's on top and don't dig down into it... and it could be Barb is just lucky...

When our friend Harold a.k.a. trade from here on the forum brings them down for us he will wrap towels around one of those flats with 5 dozen eggs and then he tapes it up with those re-usable freezer packs and never has had any problems... but then again he just may be lucky also...
Is is on Benito Juarz - south of Calle 13 on the east side of the street - there is a stop light there - I'm always missing it. It is sort of a dollar store. Some of their prices are really good and others seemed a little highe then some of the mercado's like Super Ley, Santa Fe, etc. They have canned/packaged food, household things, dog food, school supply type of stuff, toys, etc. They do not take credit cards. We use Capital One at most of the other places - the only Credit card that doesn't charge us a fee for using it out of the USA and has given good exchange rates. I don't like going around with a lot of cash in my pocket - no matter where I am.
Isn't it north of Calle 13? Where the "old" Mamacita's used to be???

El Gato

Could be - my direction sense is terrible - once my daughter and I got lost in three States over an hour and a half time period (CT, NY, NJ) - my DH never trusts my directions :)


Aka Si is on the other side of Benito Juarez from Constitucion. It's a weird corner. There's a Corona serveceria (my preferred) in front of and to the right of the Aka Si (if you're looking at it from Constitucion). If you miss it at the light, when you hit Pollo Lucas (on Benito Juarez), make a left on Sonora and go around the block and you'll run right into Aka Si.

Never been in there, but see it when I go and get my cartons of Corona. :)


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
That's a great little store. I broke my sunglasses just as I arrived for the weekend and was going to buy some on the beach when I remembered Aka Si. I had never been in there before and wasn't sure they even carried them but they do and I even got a pink pair! Score! And they were only 15 pesos! That was in Nov. and I still wear them!