Huge sewage spill


As of last night the intersection of Fremont and Josefa was closed. The streets and the huge 10 acre field behind Bryans was completely flooded! Hard to imagine where all that sewage came from in such a short time. Pump must have failed somewhere. That field was estuary until a developer tried to fill it in. A friend told me it is the lowest part of Penasco.
As of last night the intersection of Fremont and Josefa was closed. The streets and the huge 10 acre field behind Bryans was completely flooded! Hard to imagine where all that sewage came from in such a short time. Pump must have failed somewhere. That field was estuary until a developer tried to fill it in. A friend told me it is the lowest part of Penasco.
Sounds like a pretty crappy situation.
Sounds like a pretty crappy situation.
Tell me about it. I was among traffic caught in it just as they arrived to close the road, but after having entered the flood zone. (What appeared to have been a broken water main was recognized as sewage -- right about when the "liquid" was at the top of the tires, and there was nothing left to do but drive to the other side. . . . )


I also drove thru it , twice. Thought it was water. That's gonna suck for the bikers if they don't get it open. So the 10 acres behind Bryans is where it went. I would imagine it will make it's way to the sea. Sand is an excellent filter but......


At this time, OOMAPAS is estimating that the repair of the major leak of sewage will be completed by Tuesday evening. There are many moving parts to accomplish this. It is possible that an additional 24 hours will be required.
That's from HOA 30 minutes ago
Puerto Pensaco needs to start pumping sea water into flooded areas to dilute toxic effluent. only way to control bacteria. Airborne disease is a concern. Instead of pumping over Fremont start pumping from behind school to dilute.


The smell is terrible and will be for some time long after the liquid sewage is gone. I heard the city had bought two bags of lime to spread and counteract the smell And committed to buy another bag if two is not enough. I think it will be weeks before the smell is gone and months until the area thereis safe. . Yesterday it looked like the level in the big field had dropped. If I were Bryan I'd close up and take a two week vacation !! the school need to close as well, I would not send my children there for a long time. It will dry up and the wind will blow the dried crap loaded with bacteria around. It is a serious health issue. Realistically I do not know what can be done other than scraping it up and burying it somewhere.
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We drove past last night on our way to dinner. Road is dry, but sewage is still visible in ponds on both sides of Fremont. Smell is pretty bad as well.


Roberto, any update on the spill ? Is it still visible ? Is there a noticeable stench.

Any update is appreciated !
As reported , there is no flow across Fremont and Fremont is covered with dried sewage. Do not know if the break has been repaired. Lake Las Conchas does not appear to have gotten any smaller. I heard that people have been asked to pee only once a day and poop only once in three days to reduce the flow. The city did throw lime at the intersection with Josefa and along Fremont. Yes it smells. But I was in Bryans and there was no smell inside and no influx of flies. And yes the toilet works fine.

There was a report from the LC HOA that a consult with a knowledgeable person in the US reported that the lake of sewage is not a health hazard. It will dry up and the sun will kill the virus and bacteria. Surprised me. So why not just use lagoons in the US. cheap to operate.

I am applying for the kayak rental concession on the lake.


Thank you Roberto and Kiter.

What a nasty nightmare. They need to get some guys in hazmat suits and several back loaders and dump trucks and scoop all that up and dump it in the ‘black lagoon’ on the edge of town