Understanding the 2018 Mexican Election

Thanks Jerry that was interesting. There is so much shady stuff in all of Mexican politics, the PAN candidate Anaya has his family living in the US for like 3 years until the moment he declared his candidacy and then brought them back. Just Google "Ricardo Anaya atlanta"- he was paying almost half a million dollars a year and couldn't account for where the money came from.


Almost everyone I have talked to in Mexico has despised Pena Nieto since the instant he got in... It may really be 3rd times a charm for Lopez Obrador...


"It may really be 3rd times a charm for Lopez Obrador..."

Because Socialism has worked so well for Venezuela!
Works in Northern Europe...he isn't talking about implementation of anything like Venezuela....you know that I am sure....
Works in Northern Europe...he isn't talking about implementation of anything like Venezuela....you know that I am sure....
Most of the so called socialistic countries in Norhern Europe rank higher in freedom indexes and also in surveys about regulation they rank as less regulated-good or bad.
Comparing the leaders....both insane
Yes, but, I have not ever been personally affected by a President except one that has pushed through minor tax increases or decreases. The one exception is obummercare which costs me about 15K a year in increased premiums and much larger deductibles.
we may see fee increases, property taxes come up to what they should be,higher entry fees ,tighter visa stuff.....not a deal killer but a hit for sure
What in the hell do I receive for paying property taxes? Absolutely no security, pot hole filled roads, bribery tending police, rip off taxis...........screw “raising property taxes to where they should be”! I know this is Mexico but screw it, I am gone if it starts costing me more and so will be a lot of tourists.


What in the hell do I receive for paying property taxes? Absolutely no security, pot hole filled roads, bribery tending police, rip off taxis...........screw “raising property taxes to where they should be”! I know this is Mexico but screw it, I am gone if it starts costing me more and so will be a lot of tourists.
ha...just messing with you!