That's a different car, time and place..did I miss it?
On the morning of Saturday, June 12, agents of the state and municipal police response telephone report to C-4, came to a point located on Cliff Road, Sonoita, approximately at kilometer 87, where they found an abandoned vehicle in The wagon type vehicle had four bullet holes in the bodywork, there were no traces of blood inside the vehicle, it is presumed it was a "surge".
At approximately 09:30 am on Saturday, June 12, the C-4 reported to the state and municipal police have received notice that on the road Sonoyta Cliff-type vehicle had left a white van, police officers reporting in effect, on the edge of the cavalcade had before it a wagon type vehicle, Toyota, Sequoia line, model 2003, 164WVM plates for the state of Arizona, 5TDZT34A435152416 serial number, according to the report prepared by officers rushed to the scene, there was not anyone inside or outside the vehicle, had four bullet holes in the rear, at the door, and in the crystal, it is noted in the report that the vehicle had no traces of blood.