Car Jacking - 12/26/09


Motorists have been warned to be wary of a new carjacking ruse in the run-up to Christmas.

Thieves are reportedly leaving notes or leaflets on the rear windows of parked cars. Drivers don't spot the piece of paper until they start the engine and look over their shoulder to manoeuvre.

When they get out to retrieve the note carjackers are reportedly pouncing into the driver's seat and making off with the car.

Details of the ruse have been widely circulated via an anonymous email. [...]

Oh great, give the local car thieves ideas !!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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Nice video Rosy...but for now, it's "words"...I want to see the action.

I do have to note that last night when I drove back up to the border to meet my daughter and her mom who were coming down, there were 2 federale highway patrol units working the stretch outside of Sonoyta....maybe in response to the hijacking??? or just to bring in some more money with speeding tickets???:twisted::twisted:
I'm sure that there is an attempt to "protect" the privacy of the victims, but it would be nice to know HOW it actually happened!!! Is it some ruse that was used to get them to stop?? were they run off the road??? were there gunmen standing in the middle of the road???? That would definitely help other potential victims from avoiding problems.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
That would have been irresponsible, to my way of thinking.
Not so. I believe everybody has a right to know ASAP. I post any information I obtain that appears to be from a legitimate source. If this was one of those "happened to a friend of friend's uncle" things, then I totally agree with you; it's not worth even mentioning. Unfortunately, this incident was all too real. Hopefully, it's an isolated event.

I'm glad to see the city involved so quickly in damage control. Getting the word out from a high level, as well as information about what is being done to prevent this from happening again, goes a long way in helping people feel safer. Good job, Rosie.

Russ - no need to post the other carjackings from all over the world. We know it can and does happen anywhere. You're preaching to the choir on this forum.

The quick reaction by Mexican authorities will be key. This kind of crap has been happening in Baja for quite awhile; I know of many SoCal fisherman that have been raised as kids going to Baja to fish with their family their whole lives that will no longer even cross the border. Trucks and fishing boats are jacked under the guise of "police", never to be seen again. I'd hate to see that reputation and type of criminal activity spread east to Penasco.

Drive safe. :cruisin:


I'm sure that there is an attempt to "protect" the privacy of the victims, but it would be nice to know HOW it actually happened!!! Is it some ruse that was used to get them to stop?? were they run off the road??? were there gunmen standing in the middle of the road???? That would definitely help other potential victims from avoiding problems.
If you look at the bottom of the 2nd page Joe, I kind of covered that... I might just like your way better though.:razz:
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Interesting that Rosie's video seems to have broken the story, which has not been on the news wire services. Also, lying or distorting the facts about things on the part of public officials does not give much comfort. Oh, you mean someone forgot to mention the other incident, or oh no it was a different KIND of incident, they didn't actually get the vehicle.


Interesting that Rosie's video seems to have broken the story, which has not been on the news wire services. Also, lying or distorting the facts about things on the part of public officials does not give much comfort. Oh, you mean someone forgot to mention the other incident, or oh no it was a different KIND of incident, they didn't actually get the vehicle.
It's kind of funny that no one had picked up on that, or they just ignored it, considering I'd posted about another attempt that same night Roberto.
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Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
I'm sure that there is an attempt to "protect" the privacy of the victims, but it would be nice to know HOW it actually happened!!! Is it some ruse that was used to get them to stop?? were they run off the road??? were there gunmen standing in the middle of the road???? That would definitely help other potential victims from avoiding problems.
Agreed. I have seen, on at least two recent occasions, an unmarked, new F150 pickup pulling over vehicles south of Sonoita. It had no police markings whatsoever, other than flashing blue/red lights on the dashboard. It pulled up behind me one trip, then quickly went around me and pulled over the vehicle in front of me that had Sonoran plates. On another occasion, I saw a very similar vehicle with a Mexican van pulled over and the family standing beside the road and got a clear look at the "officers" searching the vehicle, if that's what they are. They were not in uniform, but did have guns holstered at their side.

This was very discerning to me for a couple of reasons:
  1. I would not stop for an unmarked vehicle that had flashing lights on the dashboard. It's one of the ploys fake cops use all the time here in the US, let alone in Mexico.
  2. Even if I did stop and was approached by two guys not in uniform carrying guns, my 1st reaction would be to hit the gas and vamoose in Mexico. Too many years of not knowing if the cops were even really the cops, let alone two guys in street clothes not even displaying a badge!
So, to Rosie, Russ, and everyone else - you might want to make it clear to the powers that be that they need to clearly identify their law enforcement vehicles and officers. Also, be forthcoming on what actually happened and how it happened so that everyone knows what to be looking for. The need for privacy is one thing - we don't need to know the family's name. But we do need to know how this unfortunate event happened to them.

I have to fly cross-country on Monday and you can bet your sweet bippy I'll have my eye on anybody that even looks Muslim the whole time. Sorry if that's politically uncorrect and profiling, but I'm pretty damned certain I don't have to worry about the nice elderly lady seated across from me blowing up the plane. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way right now. Why? Because we know who and what to look for.


Lovin it in RP!
Sorry for the preaching Stuart and all of you. Its just that in my line of work I spend an inordinate amount of time talking about security or lack thereof. For some reason when something happens to an American in Mexico it is much worse than when it happens elsewhere in the world including the story out of Canada which is truly horrific. I believe it is necessary to balance the news as it comes out. As for the little old lady scenario I actually laughed a little as a couple of years ago I was conducting a caravan of motorhomes out of Mexico through the Nogales POE. A little old lady and her little old man were arrested for smuggling grass in the AC units (hollowed out) on top of their RV it was novel and I kind of think it was a set up. So it just shows that we need to be careful no matter where we are or who we are with... Just thoughts from a guy who has to go North for a few days and is really resisting the thought of going back to the US for any reason...
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Lovin it in RP!
Also Stuart, as a full time resident here I know a little about the stuff that goes on. The unmarked vehicles are extremely important to the authorities, having said that I would not pull over for an unmarked vehicle anywhere either. These guys are usually with the special DEA type units here in Mexico. I went to San Carlos Son last week and there was an accident. There were 4 marked federal highway cars and at least 3 unmarked suburbans with their dash lights on so for at least at that point they were all legit and the folks that crashed were really happy that they showed up when they did. Hasta la vista todo nesecito vieje por los estados. YUK!


Lovin it in RP!
Why did it take 5 day's for this to come out? I heard about this incident and another attempted carjacking that same night on Sunday morning, and I live in Prescott! I didn't post it out of respect for the person who sent me the info, but for the story to be held back this long is just wrong.
If what you think you are doing by bringing all those other carjacking stories to our attention was balance Mexicoruss, where's the story, where's our story? I thought Mexico had a free press, but it seems to be run by businessmen with vested interest's in the tourist trade. If there was "balance" we would have had the story right away with ALL THE WHERE, WHY, AND WHENS in place as it should be in all democracy's with a free press.
I've been going down to PP and Cholla Bay since I was a kid, over fifty years, and this isolated incident will not discourage myself or my friends in any way from coming down. I will like Stuart, Chari and others, continue to come down by myself with less concern than driving in many parts of Tucson or Phoenix.
As far as the military trucks on the road with masked guy's with automatic rifles is concerned. It may be reassuring to us who know the county and how things are done here, but it scares the crap out of the average tourist.


Kenny, why in the world would you expect news from Mexico to be broadcast to a USA audience. Rosie is doing the translating and the news telling that is what she is great at. So it was reported in the local news and it takes time to get it out to the 62 different channels that we create. These guys down here dont get all the stories of killings and car jackings that happen in the US unless it relates to them somehow. So there is no conspiracy to keep the news down, it is just non relevant to most people. I hate all form of thief or corrupt person regardless of nationality. But it does not matter to me too much if it happens somewhere other than where I live because it does not relate anything to me. Live well and be good to everyone around you - thats all you can do.


Kenny, why in the world would you expect news from Mexico to be broadcast to a USA audience. Rosie is doing the translating and the news telling that is what she is great at. So it was reported in the local news and it takes time to get it out to the 62 different channels that we create. These guys down here dont get all the stories of killings and car jackings that happen in the US unless it relates to them somehow. So there is no conspiracy to keep the news down, it is just non relevant to most people. I hate all form of thief or corrupt person regardless of nationality. But it does not matter to me too much if it happens somewhere other than where I live because it does not relate anything to me. Live well and be good to everyone around you - thats all you can do.
Who said anything about a US audience in particular, and why did I know about it the next day? How many people do you think have come and gone in the last 6 day's? You can't be saying that it was broadcast or reported in Mexico or Rocky Point in a timely manner, or with the full report, can you? It very obvious because of your business interests that this is bad news money wise, but a open and free press is paramount, and comes before you or any business interest's you may have in Mexico.
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Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
The unmarked vehicles are extremely important to the authorities, having said that I would not pull over for an unmarked vehicle anywhere either.
Damned if you do and damned if you don't, eh? I do understand the need. It's a little easier to tell unmarked police here in the US. They generally have flashing lights installed somewhere permanent, like in the grill. Also, the headlights also flash alternately between left and right. And 95% of the time, it's a typical Ford Crown Vic police cruiser sans police paint. But, when the only identification is a stick-on flashing light on the dashboard, that's ALWAYS suspect in my mind!


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I haven't had time to watch Rosie's video yet. I will post up tonight or tomorrow night with my thoughts.


Lovin it in RP!
Kenney, you knew about it because it happened to someone that relates to you. Thats no shock. Bad news travels fast. Yes bad press is bad for tourism based businesses but I agree with you that everyone needs to be in on whats going on as it relates to them. I would never ever put my business interest in front of anybodies safety that would be immoral and I am a moral person. I honestly think the story got out as quick as it could as to its unusual and strange makeup. I will check with my friends in Sonoyta and report what they know tomorrow so check back. As far as the open and free press I have opinions regarding that (IE FOX news) a lot of that is mind numbing drivel and you know it. It is hard to separate the facts from the lies most of the time. So getting something to press in order to get it fast is not necessarily the best way, it may be the American way but it may not be the best way.
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Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Kenny, why in the world would you expect news from Mexico to be broadcast to a USA audience?.
Not trying to take issue with you Russ, but since you asked - THE AMERICAN MEDIA THRIVES ON THIS STUFF!! They are all about trying to convince us how unsafe it is to travel to Mexico! Not a day goes by I don't read a story about another narco murder in Mexico. Or the drug war in Mexico. Or how many people have died so far this year in Mexico, etc., etc., etc. The sensationalism of a story like this involving a real live tourist family with children is like pouring gas on a fire to the US media. I'm surprised they're not all over this story like flies on a pile of dog poop!

Granted the economy has been the major suck this year and is one factor, but blame the media for all the negative Mexico hype this year for killing off much of the tourist trade. People still ask me "Aren't you afraid?" when I tell them I'm heading to Mexico to go fishing. Why do you think that is? Of course, I tell them "Hell no, ain't skeered!" But, I'm not a mindless sheeple led around by what I read in the media. I go, I know, and I consider myself one of the best goodwill ambassadors around when it comes to traveling to Mexico.

I've said it before, will say it again here. The stake in the heart that will absolutely kill Mexican tourism is when (god forbid) an innocent gringo family is gunned down by the narcos (or whoever) and it hits the press. That will be the death knoll for all of it - condos, spring break, bike rallies, vacations, etc. Might as well just roll the border up and close it, because no one will go.


Lovin it in RP!
Stuart - Agreed - I am also not a sheople. I would never live in a place I considered unsafe for my beautiful wife and 16 year old son. I am a member of ASTA which is a travel agent organization and there are regular warnings about travel to Spain, Germany, and other parts of Europe, but somehow Mexico is different and perceptibly more dangerous because it shares a border with the US Travelers still travel though, they know what the truth about this crazy earth is. Rosie and I will do all we can to get the slowness of news to stop as it relates to tourist. The regulars to Penasco will not be deterred but new comers will be shaken by the news. If the authorities do what they should it will mitigate this issue I will inform you when we come up with a plan of action.
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Why did it take 5 day's for this to come out? I heard about this incident and another attempted carjacking that same night on Sunday morning, and I live in Prescott! I didn't post it out of respect for the person who sent me the info, but for the story to be held back this long is just wrong.
If what you think you are doing by bringing all those other carjacking stories to our attention was balance Mexicoruss, where's the story, where's our story? I thought Mexico had a free press, but it seems to be run by businessmen with vested interest's in the tourist trade. If there was "balance" we would have had the story right away with ALL THE WHERE, WHY, AND WHENS in place as it should be in all democracy's with a free press.
Good points, Kenny. Believe me, the delay had me, do with local business interests. It was about a new way of doing things.
As an American, raised in the States, I know the importance of informing the public in a timely manner. But remember, for our local officials, this is new territory. Keep in mind what journalism in Mexico means...honest and fair isn't always the case, so it's understandable that officials would be leery.
Even the RPNO is new. The concept of real local news, written in English. That they agreed to the interview at all is a testament to the fact that they trusted me, as I hope you all do, to be responsible with the information. And that they trust you, our visitors, to keep the incident in proper context. This is just another gap being bridged. It had to happen, we need it to happen, and when they see that it works better this way, information will be more forthcoming...I do believe that.
Nice video Rosy...but for now, it's "words"...I want to see the action.

I do have to note that last night when I drove back up to the border to meet my daughter and her mom who were coming down, there were 2 federale highway patrol units working the stretch outside of Sonoyta....maybe in response to the hijacking??? or just to bring in some more money with speeding tickets???:twisted::twisted:
Ah, Joe...when did you become such a cynic? The last thing officials are going to allow right now are people getting hassled by the authorities. Even a flat tire on the highway this weekend will probably bring help before you know it.