Animal Certificates of Health at Border

I have read on RP local Facebook pages that the border guards are now asking for certificates of health for dogs in addition to rabies certificates. Some people without them have said they have been turned back to the States. Has anyone here experienced that?


El Pirata
I have read on RP local Facebook pages that the border guards are now asking for certificates of health for dogs in addition to rabies certificates. Some people without them have said they have been turned back to the States. Has anyone here experienced that?
Yes very true, My dog is a social butterfly and wants to been seen so it pops up at every turn and stop. The last 3 times I have crossed they have asked for the certificate and have told them I will have it next time for sure, I forgot to ask if I can get one from a vet in mexico and how current it has to be.
When I had a dog, (last trip for my dog was 2013) I was stopped about 50% of the time crossing at Sonoyta, I had a large dog who would always sit up at the border, even if I had a green light
they would pull me over when ever they saw the dog's head pop up. Never happened at night, but I seldom travel at night now.

They want to see that the rabies vaccinations are up to date. I only presented a receipt from my vet showing the expire date.
Last 2 trips with my dog, I copied the vet receipt along with a photo of my dog and my drivers license all on it.

It sped up the process at the border and the Mexico agents were very happy I did this because it saved them some time and work.


El Pirata
When I had a dog, (last trip for my dog was 2013) I was stopped about 50% of the time crossing at Sonoyta, I had a large dog who would always sit up at the border, even if I had a green light
they would pull me over when ever they saw the dog's head pop up. Never happened at night, but I seldom travel at night now.

They want to see that the rabies vaccinations are up to date. I only presented a receipt from my vet showing the expire date.
Last 2 trips with my dog, I copied the vet receipt along with a photo of my dog and my drivers license all on it.

It sped up the process at the border and the Mexico agents were very happy I did this because it saved them some time and work.
I have never been asked for the certificate before say nov of 14, now its every time I cross. The gal that checks knows how many times she has warned me, they will call your vet if you forgot it.

Bob Oso

For the past year+ I've been asked, but the rabies was the one they wanted to see most. Is the certificate of health something other than their tags, and the immunizations that go along with them? At least they stopped taking pictures of the dogs.
I have been going through Mexicalli and I always stop to declare building materials. They have even petted my dog and have never asked for anything. I am surprised I have never been asked coming back to the United States because I dog always wants to pick a fight with the boarder patrol dogs.



Yes, definitely have your rabies certificates- it took me a while to find it otherwise they were going to turn us back.
Has anyone experienced this new "certificate of health" requirement since El Tiburon's initial post? The rabies is one thing. Certificates of health in the US stipulate on the form that they are only good for 10 days. For someone like me, who goes down almost twice a month year-round, that is crazy!


Now please do not get me wrong here, I'm just reporting a rumor, not advocating that anyone take this action. Far be it for me to do so !! BUT I have heard that it is simple to obtain a blank form and fill it in just before you cross, keeping a blank copy or at least the date balnk. I doubt that they check with a vet about it.
Now please do not get me wrong here, I'm just reporting a rumor, not advocating that anyone take this action. Far be it for me to do so !! BUT I have heard that it is simple to obtain a blank form and fill it in just before you cross, keeping a blank copy or at least the date balnk. I doubt that they check with a vet about it.
Thanks. (In any case, they sure try to make it difficult for law-abiding folks to frequent / live there part time, and spend their money in Mexico!)
Sorry a double post with added/edited info.

Here is one for people to fill out, because I'm pretty sure most pets traveling to Mexico will be
99.9% healthy and in better shape than many of the animals I see in Penasco and just want to bring home with me.
As you said, I really doubt there is any follow up on tracking these forms.

There are many more available than this one, just do a search.


Not a chance, Bob.
By the way did you give up on your plans to tour Mexico in the campervan?
Yep, sold the camper too. Several factors at work but mainly I guess to say I lost my nerve to travel alone what with being an OG and all. Had a companion that was to go along but she backed out. I still look at the maps though !!


Yep, sold the camper too. Several factors at work but mainly I guess to say I lost my nerve to travel alone what with being an OG and all. Had a companion that was to go along but she backed out. I still look at the maps though !!
I was looking forward to reading about your adventures but I'm glad you're still here with the rest of us! :)


Yep, sold the camper too. Several factors at work but mainly I guess to say I lost my nerve to travel alone what with being an OG and all. Had a companion that was to go along but she backed out. I still look at the maps though !!
It is probably just as well, given the areas and groups that would pose a threat to your safety on the Mexican roads today. I am not too sure that I would travel Mexico roads, by day and night like I used to do, with children even. I feel that I have used up eight of my nine lives and need to make the current one last as long as I can. The farther you are away from the border, the harder it would be to make a run for it, if need be.