I spoke with a resident in the Mirador who related some friends of his had two gents enter their home, while they were there. The man was beaten with a shovel. He's OK. At the Comandancia to report the event they met with a couple of other Mirador owners reporting burglaries. This withing the past 10 days or so.
I lived in the Mirador for 6 years and the burglaries were cyclical. During one cycle the neighbor's house was being burgled at night and another neighbor phoned the police but gave poor directions to the house being robbed. He was afraid of the burglars and did not want to be identified so he would not meet the police. I was sleeping and heard a noise in the living room, went out to face an officer with his pistol aimed at me 6 feet away. A friend from Kino was visiting and had left all the doors and gate unlocked. Cop found everything unlocked and wandered in thinking it was the location.
I was robbed tree times while I lived there. Last cycle when I lived there a guy got on the neighbor's roof and climbed onto the balcony of my rental apt. Neighbor heard him on his roof, thought it was a cat, looked out and the burglar was lounging on the balcony as if he lived there. Burglar went in while the resident was napping, took his vehicle keys and wallet off the night stand. That guy and a brother were working together and one got shot and killed by the police while breaking into a trailer on the Mirador beach. Some will remember that one.
There was a white van hauling out entire home loads at one time. There was a spotter who would call the van and they would strip the house in a few minutes, broad daylight acting as if they were supposed to be there. Neighbor got hit twice on a vacant property so we started a neighborhood patrol. I spotted the van in the street, stopped looking around. I jumped in the truck and chased the van for several miles while calling the neighbor to alert the police, cause his spanish is better. Finally gave up the chase but the van did not come back to the neighborhood.
Conventional wisdom is that the guys wandering the neighborhood, walking and on bicycles, looking in the trash are spotters who report empty homes with infrequent visitors. The spotters make a call and earn a fee. Some believe the police make a fee for a quick release if they catch them.
What to do? The usual stuff. Double key deadbolts and stout doors help. Hard to take big stuff out the window. I still keep a can of wasp and hornet fast discharge spray handy for intruders..